Session 9
Writing Recursive Programs

Opening Exercise

Suppose that I have a list of course enrollment numbers and need to know if any of the sections is too big for the classrooms available to us.

After looking at the box-and-pointer diagram of an actual list and thinking through the task in terms of a list as pairs... map a function over the list to get enrollment numbers.

Write a function (any-bigger-than? n lon), where n is a number and lon is a list of numbers. any-bigger-than? returns true if any number in lon is bigger than n, and false otherwise.

For example:

> (any-bigger-than? 2 '(2 1 3))
> (any-bigger-than? 40 '(26 37 41 25 12))
> (any-bigger-than? 40 '(26 37 14 25 12))

If you feel stumped: How would you solve this problem in Python?

Thinking About a Solution

How would you approach this task in a loopy language? You might write a loop that compares n to each successive element in lon. As soon as you find a larger list item you can return true. How do you know there are no numbers in lon larger than n? Only by examining every item in lon and never finding one.

for i in lon:
    if i > n:
        return true
return false

This is the same kind of thinking you need to write a recursive function in Racket. We don't need a loop, because we can walk down the list recursively. If your curiosity gets the best of you, peek ahead to a solution...

Why not use MapReduce to solve this problem? We don't need to process the entire list! As soon as we find one value that meets the criterion, the function can return its answer. Continuing down the rest of the list is unnecessary.

Don't feel bad if this problem seems like a big challenge at this point. Most things are difficult when we lack the knowledge we need to solve them. Sometimes, we have the knowledge but don't have a clear plan for which knowledge to use when, or why.

Over the next few sessions, we will learn some techniques that help us think about problems and recursive solutions in a new way. These techniques will be quite useful when we move on to processing languages.

A Quick Tour of Recursive Programs

the world's largest lake on an island in a lake on an island
Crater Lake,
the Philippine Islands
[optional note]

This section reviews your reading assignment for today. If you haven't read it yet, please do! It contains more detail than this summary.

To recur is to go back. Recursion is a technique for writing programs that goes back to the same function for help.

Loops go back, too. What is different about functions?

As you saw in the "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" example, iteration and recursion are pretty similar. We make the same decisions and solve the same sub-problems no matter which one we are using. The footnote on that example went even further: recursion is more powerful than a loop, because it gives us more convenient over the order in which we do things!

Be not afraid. If you can write a loop, then you can write recursive functions, too.

Recursive programs pair up nicely with inductive specifications:

More formally, we will say that every recursive program consists of:

The "limit" of the smaller problems is one of the base cases.

The base cases are often pretty straightforward, though we still have to think. They encode our understanding of the problem by recording the answer to the smallest problem(s) in the domain.

Each recursive case consists of three steps:

  1. Split the data into smaller pieces.
  2. Solve the pieces.
  3. Combine the solutions for the parts into a single solution for the original argument.

This is usually where the descriptions of recursion end in our textbooks. "Okay," you might say, "great. But how do I do that?" The goal of the next few weeks is to help you feel this in your bones: Recursion doesn't have to be scary. Sometimes, it's all about the data.

In particular, there are rules that help us to think about each of these steps:

  1. We split the data into sub-problems based on the type of the argument our function receives.
  2. We will often define our data so that the "big" sub-problem is topologically similar to the original problem. We take advantage of this similarity by solving the "big" sub-problem with a recursive call.
  3. We combine the solutions for the sub-parts based on the type of value returned by the function.

The driver for this process is the the type of the arguments that our function processes. This is where inductive specifications can help.

Writing Recursive Programs for Inductively-Specified Data

In our last session, we saw that we can use inductive definitions to specify data types. An inductive definition is one that:

Inductive specifications have essentially the same structure as recursive programs. For this reason, inductive data specs — especially ones formalized in a BNF description — can serve as a powerful guide for writing recursive programs that operate on the data.

In fact, this guidance is so useful that I offer you a Little Schemer-style commandment based on it:

When defining a program to process an inductively-defined data type,
the structure of the program should follow
the structure of the data.

To see how this works, let's write a function list-length that takes a list of numbers as an argument and returns the length of the list.

You may recall the definition for the data type called <list-of-numbers> from last session:

<list-of-numbers> ::= ()
                    | (<number> . <list-of-numbers>)

This BNF definition can serve as a pattern for defining any program that operates on lists of numbers. A function that operates on a <list-of-numbers> will receive one of two things as an argument:

According to the data definition, these are the only possibilities! There are no other cases to worry about.

Consider an example list, (26 37 41 25 12). From the perspective of our function, this is the pair (26 . <list-of-numbers>). You may feel that "hiding" the rest of the numbers will somehow make our job harder, but in fact it is the source of our power! We can now focus on solving a single task: combining the results.

The definition of a <list-of-numbers> consists of a choice. A function that operates on a <list-of-numbers> will have to make the same choice: is the argument an empty list or a pair? For lists, we use null? to make this choice. This boolean condition serves as the selector in an if or cond expression that defines actions to take for each arm.

We can start writing (list-length lon) with the pattern for a function that we have used many times before:

(define list-length
  (lambda (lon)

Following the rule above, our program's structure should mimic the structure of the BNF specification for the data type. A list of numbers is either an empty list or a pair. So, we start with the code for a choice:

(define list-length
  (lambda (lon)
    (if (null? lon)
      ;; then: handle an empty list
      ;; else: handle a pair

Now we can write code to handle the two cases in either order. Often, the base case has a simple answer, so we usually write this case first. How should our function act when the list is empty? The length of the empty list is 0, so return 0:

(define list-length
  (lambda (lon)
    (if (null? lon)
      ;; else: handle a pair

Now, we handle the second part of the specification. What if lon is not empty? The BNF for this element states that such a list of numbers consists of a number followed by a list of numbers:

<list-of-numbers> ::= (<number> . <list-of-numbers>)

This tells us that we can decompose our problem into two subproblems:

What is the length of first? What is the length of the rest? How do we combine these answers?

The first of the list is a number, not a list. It contributes one item to the length of the overall list.

The rest of the list is the rest of the list. (Ha!) It, too, is a <list-of-numbers> — the same data type as the argument to list-length. How can we find its length? Call list-length!

How do we combine two numbers that are counting the parts of a whole list? We add them together.

So, the pair has a length of 1, for the number in the cons cell we are processing, plus the result of (list-length (rest lon)):

(define list-length
  (lambda (lon)
    (if (null? lon)
      (+ 1 (list-length (rest lon))) )))    ; can use add1

Let's try it out:

> (list-length '())
> (list-length '(42))
> (list-length '(1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 2 4 6 8))

And our definition is complete!

Another way to think about the recursive case is this: Split the list into its first and its rest, which is also a <list-of-numbers>. Assume that we already know the answer for the rest. How can we solve the first, and how do we assemble the two answers into our final answer? The recursive call is our assumption.

As we take successive rests of the list, we will eventually encounter the empty list, which is our base case. But we don't have to think about that now. We received either an empty list or a pair.

Notice: We do not add an explicit guard to our code so that we don't try to take the rest of a non-list. Our code cannot make this error! The function takes the rest of its argument only after it knows the argument is not the empty list. But then the only alternative is a pair, which always has a cdr that is a list.

We did assume that the original argument received by list-length is, in fact, a <list-of-numbers>. The specification for the function states as much. This precondition makes it the responsibility of the caller of the function to provide a suitable argument. If the caller doesn't, then our function is not responsible for the error. The same is true in a statically-typed language, though in that case we usually have the compiler to catch the error for us.

Optional Digression: Can we implement list-length without recursion, using only higher-order functions? We can! If you'd like, give it a try, and then check out this code file to see a solution, as well as a discussion of list-member? and any-bigger-than?.

A Solution for any-bigger-than?

We can use the same technique to implement any-bigger-than?, from our warm-up exercise. any-bigger-than? returns true if n is smaller than any member of lon, and false otherwise.

We now know to pattern our solution on the BNF definition of <list-of-numbers>. So:

(define any-bigger-than?
  (lambda (n lon)
    (if (null? lon)
        ;; then: handle an empty list
        ;; else: handle a pair

There are no numbers in an empty list, so we know that there are no numbers bigger than n. In the base case, then, we return false.

(define any-bigger-than?
  (lambda (n lon)
    (if (null? lon)
        ;; else: handle a pair

In the recursive case, n is smaller than a member of lon either if it is smaller than the first or if it is smaller than a member of the rest. The first of the list is a number, so we can check to see if n is less than one directly. The rest of the list is a list of numbers, so we let our function solve that case for us.

Racket provides us with built-in functions for expressing both the comparison, <, and the disjunction, or, so:

(define any-bigger-than?
  (lambda (n lon)
    (if (null? lon)
        (or (< n (first lon))
            (any-bigger-than? n (rest lon))))))

If you wrote a complete solution to the exercise, it may have different from this: you may have used another if in the recursive case. The version here is more faithful to the BNF for our data type specification and to how we define the answer, so most functional programmers prefer it. However, the two solutions compute the same value. The most important thing is that you develop a habit for writing recursive functions by thinking in this way.

Challenge Problem: Can we we eliminate the remaining if expression, too?

When you are first writing functions of this type, you may well feel uncomfortable trusting that your solution works in the recursive case, because that means relying on the function that you are writing. The only way to overcome this discomfort is to get lots of practice writing recursive functions. This will create a comfort level that the techniques you are using really do work. Of course, we will also do thorough testing of our functions. Trust only goes so far.

Manipulating Lists of Symbols

In order for us to gain strength as recursive programmers, let's practice on some less intuitive problems. That will force us to think more about both the problem and the solution.

These problems are important for two reasons. First, we will use the functions we write later in the course and in future homework assignments. But if that were the only reason they were important, we would need to understand only what they do, but not how they do it.

The second reason that they are important, though, is that they illustrate several common patterns in recursive programs and how to implement them. So it will be worth our effort to study in detail how they do what they do.

The rest of our examples today operate on values of the <list-of-symbols> data type. As its name suggests, <list-of-symbols> is quite similar to <list-of-numbers>. We can specify this data type inductively as:

<list-of-symbols> ::= ()
                    | (<symbol> . <list-of-symbols>)

The remove-upto Function

remove-upto takes two arguments, a symbol s and a list of symbols los. It returns a list just like los, minus all the symbolls before the first occurrence of s. For example:

> (remove-upto 'b '(a b c))
(b c)

> (remove-upto 'a '(b d f g a a a a a a))
(a a a a a a)

Note that remove-upto does not modify the original los. In functional programming, our functions almost never modify their arguments; instead, they compute a new value for us.

We start with the familiar pattern for handling list recursion.

(define remove-upto
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        ; then: handle an empty list
        ; else: handle a pair

In the base case, los is empty, so there are no symbols to remove. So, we return ().

(define remove-upto
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        ; else: handle a pair

What if los is not empty? Then it is a pair of the form (<symbol> . <list-of-symbols>). Our answer depends on (first los). If it is s, then we our answer is los. If not, then we drop it and all of the symbols up to s in (rest los).

We can write that choice with another if expression:

(define remove-upto
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        (if (eq? (first los) s)
            ; else remove up to s from the rest of los

How can we remove all of the symbols up to the first s in (rest los)? The rest of the list is a list of symbols, so remove-upto can do that for us!

(define remove-upto
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        (if (eq? (first los) s)
            (remove-upto s (rest los))))))
... Show examples of removing up to b from (a b c d) and (e d c b) and (c d e) ... using the definition!

We are done! Let's test our function:

> (remove-upto 'a '(a b c))
'(a b c)
> (remove-upto 'b '(a b c))
'(b c)
> (remove-upto 'd '(a b c))
> (remove-upto 'a '())
> (remove-upto 'a '(b d f g a a a a a a))
(a a a a a a)

Our understanding of the <list-of-symbols> data structure — and especially of its BNF description — guided us well in writing this function. We still have to think, of course. But the structure helps know what to think about.

The remove-first Function

Now let's try a similar but slightly trickier problem.

remove-first takes two arguments, a symbol s and a list of symbols los. It returns a list just like los minus only the first occurrence of s. For example:

> (remove-first 'b '(a b c))
(a c)

Note again that remove-first does not modify the original los. It will build a new list.

We start with the familiar pattern for handling list recursion.

(define remove-first
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        ; then: handle an empty list
        ; else: handle a pair

In the base case, los is empty, so there is no first occurrence of s to remove. So, return ().

(define remove-first
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        ; else: handle a pair

What if los is not empty? Then we need to remove the first occurrence of s from a pair, if there is one. There are two cases. Either the first element in los is the symbol we want to remove, or it is not.

(define remove-first
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        (if (eq? (first los) s)
            ; then remove s from the first of los
            ; else remove s from the rest of los

If the s is the first element in los, what is the answer returned by remove-first? The rest of the list:

(define remove-first
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        (if (eq? (first los) s)
            (rest los)
            ; else remove s from the rest of los

Now comes the tough case... If the first element of los is not the symbol we want to remove, then we need to remove the first occurrence of that symbol from the rest of the list. What is the answer to be returned by remove-first in this case? We need a list whose first item is the first of los and whose rest is the list we get by removing s from the rest of los:

... Show examples of removing b from (a b c d) and (e d c b) and (c d e) ...
... Draw pictures of lists that show the result is making a list from a head element and a tail list ... cons!

We reassemble a list from a first and a rest using cons. With which list do we cons the first item of los? The result of removing the first occurrence of s from the rest of los — which remove-first can compute for us!

(define remove-first
  (lambda (s los) 
    (if (null? los)
        (if (eq? (first los) s)
            (rest los)
            (cons (first los)
                  (remove-first s (rest los)))))))

And we are done! Let's test our function:

> (remove-first 'a '(a b c))
'(b c)

> (remove-first 'b '(a b c))
'(a c)

> (remove-first 'd '(a b c))
'(a b c)

> (remove-first 'a '())

> (remove-first 'a '(a a a a a a a a a a))     ; count 'em up!
'(a a a a a a a a a)

Once again, our understanding of the structure of a list of symbols guided us well. Following the BNF description helps us know what to think about as we consider the specific details of the task.

For a little more practice, check out the remove function.

Wrap Up