Session 17
Local Variables as Syntactic Abstraction

Opening Exercise: Let It Be

What are the values of these let expressions?
(let ((x 5)        ;; Exercise 1
      (y 6)
      (z 7))
  (- (+ x z) y))

(let ((x 13)       ;; Exercise 2
      (y (+ 6 x))
      (z x))
  (- (+ x z) y))

Puzzling Out These let Expressions

The second expression does not behave as we might expect from experience with previous languages. When we initialize y and z to values that depend on the value of x, we might expect it to be the value of x in the immediately preceding binding, x = 13. That is how sequences of local variable declarations seem to work in other languages.

What is different here? Last session, we learned that a Racket let expression does not create a sequence of declarations in that way. It is equivalent to applying a nameless lambda expression to the variable's values. When we translate the let expression into its equivalent lambda application, we see the difference.

( (lambda (x y z)       ;; Exercise 2, translated
    (- (+ x z) y))
  (+ 6 x)
  x )

Translating the let expression into a lambda application makes clear the semantics of the let form: the region associated with the variables declared in a let is the body of the expression, not the whole expression.

This is an example of how knowing about syntactic abstractions can help you to understand why a language works the way it does. You might think that let should work some other way, but knowing that it is an abstraction of a lambda application lets you see why it cannot work any other way.

Exercise 2(b):   So, what if we do want to initialize y and z using the value of the new binding for x?

We must initialize y and z within the region of x, that is, within the body of the let!

(let ((x 13))             ;; Exercise 2
  (let ((y (+ 6 x))       ;;    -- with a nested let
        (z x))
    (- (+ x z) y)))

This ensures that the x referred to in binding y and z is the one we intend. The value is 26 - 19 = 7.

Can we solve the similar exercise given at the end of last session's notes in the same way? Here is the exercise:

(let ((x 13)       ;; Exercise 2
      (y (+ y x))
      (z x))
  (- (+ x z) y))

Rewritten with a nested let, we have...

(let ((x 13))
  (let ((y (+ y x))
        (z x))
    (- (+ x z) y)))

Now, the references to x are okay, but notice that y is given a value that depends on y. The bold y is still free!

Where Are We?

Last session, we began to discuss the idea of syntactic abstractions, those features of a language that are convenient to have but that are not strictly essential to the language. From the programming language perspective, these constructs can complicate the process of interpreting a language. Part of our study of the design of programming languages is to identify which features are essential so that we can understand how our interpreters work.

Keep in mind that the existence of syntactic abstractions may be essential in terms of program readability and maintainability. Who would want to read, let alone write, a long program in which all local variables have been replaced with applications of anonymous lambdas? Or where we had to create named functions every time we wanted a local variable? Local variables are "not essential" only in the sense that our language processors can live without them. Language designers and implementers take advantage of this fact to write program interpreters that are more efficient and easier to maintain.

Syntactic abstractions are not limited to Racket or languages like it. Consider the Python list comprehension. Here is an example:

doubled_numbers = [n * 2 for n in numbers]

which is syntactic sugar for a good old for loop:

doubled_numbers = []
for n in numbers:
    doubled_numbers.append(n * 2)

Syntactic abstractions can become almost little languages in their own right. A Python list comprehension can do more. Consider this example:

doubled_numbers = [n * 2 for n in numbers if n % 2 == 1]

It is sugar for:

doubled_numbers = []
for n in numbers:
    if n % 2 == 1:
        doubled_numbers.append(n * 2)

And there's even more to list comprehensions... Read on in Python's documentation if you care to learn more.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Earlier in the semester, we learned that functions which take more than one argument are really syntactic sugar. They are not essential because we can curry a multi-argument function into a function that takes one argument and returns a function that expects the rest.

Last session, we began our study of another syntactic abstraction, local variables.

This session, we will make the idea of "local variable as syntactic abstraction" more concrete. Then we will see that functions can be local variables, too, and leave you to read about logical connectives and selection structures.

Local Variable as Abstraction

Recall this BNF description for Racket's let expression:

<let-expression> ::= (let <binding-list> <body>)

  <binding-list> ::= ()
                   | ( <binding> . <binding-list> )

       <binding> ::= (<var> <exp>)

We learned how these expressions work by defining a translational semantics for let. A let expression of this form:

(let ((<var_1> <exp_1>)
      (<var_2> <exp_2>)
      (<var_n> <exp_n>))

is equivalent to this lambda application:

((lambda (<var_1> <var_2>...<var_n>)
 <exp_1> <exp_2>... <exp_n>)

... look at the equivalence in a code diagram!

I then made this claim:

In fact, some Scheme interpreters and compilers automatically translate a let expression into an equivalent lambda application whenever they see one!

Let's see how that's done.

First step: a one-level translator

Let's write a function (let->app exp) that takes as input a simple Racket let expression and returns an equivalent application. For example:

> (let->app '(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ (* a a) (* b b))))
((lambda (a b)
   (+ (* a a) (* b b)))
1 2)

Note that this translation does not manipulate the body of the expression. It only puts it into the correct position in an application. How can you access the variables in the let expression? Their values? The body?

... write the function together ... or look at the code ...

This small function captures the essence of how a let expression works, and even what it means. It is useful for seeing the basic idea of a translational semantics.

However, it's not enough to work for every Racket expression. In our opening exercise, we saw that one let expression can be nested inside of another. In fact, a let expression can be part of any Racket expression. So we need to look at the body of the let — and at the values of the variables!

Going All the Way: A Pre-Processor for let

Let's see how the entire process works by adding local variables to our little language as a syntactic abstraction, and then see how it really can make our lives easier.

  1. add let to the language grammar
  2. create syntax procedures for let expressions
    ; examples
    (define simple-let '(let (a b) (c a)))
    (define nested-let
      '(let (a b)
          (let (c (lambda (d) a))
            (c a))))
    (let? nested-let)
    (let->var nested-let)
    (let->val nested-let)
    (let->body nested-let)
    (let? (let->body nested-let))
    (let->var (let->body nested-let))
    (let->val (let->body nested-let))
    (let->body (let->body nested-let))
  3. translate a let expression into a lambda application
    (preprocess simple-let)
    (preprocess nested-let)
    ... write the function together ...
    ... the result...
  4. use our translator to show how other functions now work for code that contains a let expression — if we preprocess it first
    (occurs-free? 'a (preprocess nested-let))
    (let ((core-exp (preprocess nested-let)))
      (occurs-free? 'b core-exp))
    ... (occurs-free?  'c core-exp)
    ... (occurs-free?  'd core-exp)
    ... (occurs-bound? 'd core-exp)
    ... (occurs-bound? 'a core-exp)

Which is easier: writing a translator or updating occurs-free? and occurs-bound??

What if there are other functions like occurs-free? and occurs-bound?? An interpreter or compiler will also contain functions such as declared-vars, unused-var?, and free-vars, that operate over the language. Now the weight of work strongly favors writing a pre-processor and keeping it up to date.

That's how syntactic abstraction and translational semantics can make language processors easier to write and manage.

Syntactic Abstraction and Language Processing

What have we done?

Before creating the preprocess function, compiling a program worked like this:

A graphic with two nodes, 'source program' and 'machine language program', connected by an edge labeled 'compiler'.
compiling programs without a preprocessor

After we add the preprocess, compiling a program works like this:

A graphic with three nodes. The first, 'source program in *full* lang', is connected to the second, 'source program in *core* lang', with an edge labeled 'preprocessor'.  The second is connected to third, 'machine language program', by an edge labeled 'compiler'.
compiling programs with a preprocessor

How can syntactic abstraction make program processors more efficient and easier to maintain? When we pre-process a syntactic abstraction into an equivalent expression that the processor already knows about, we:

If we extend a language this way, then all of the existing tools that process the language will work on the preprocessed program, so we can use them to process programs in the extended language.

Some other things to consider:

We'll see how the second advantage is implemented in Racket later in this unit.

Pre-processing is an example of translating one program into an equivalent one that uses other features. It takes advantage of the idea of translational semantics, in which we define and understand a syntactic abstraction in terms of more primitive features.

Wrap Up