A Model of the Internet

There are many facets to understanding the Internet. They include at least hardware, software, and communication protocols. True understanding, however, is only going to occur or be developed within the context of addressing questions (or some similar activity) regarding the use and operation of the Internet.

While full understanding requires a complex context, that context cannot ' merely be absorbed. Knowledge of a significant amount of terminology is required. Inter-relationships of the terminology entities must also be examined. These bit of knowledge are learned in a piecemeal fashion. By using the Internet and examining a number of questions or issues using the map(s) and terms and one's own experience understanding develops.

Here is a homemade diagram of the Internet. Provided below are links to some alternative diagrams and some other Web pages that explore terminology and questions that one might ask about the Internet.

The Internet
Diagram created using Inspiration® by Inspiration Software, Inc.

There are two versions of the topic exploration pages. One version has only term and questions. The other version has definitions and some discussion for examining the questions.


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Copyright ) MMII by Philip East and Marty Robertson, all rights reserved