CS 1020 - Week #13 - April 16th, 2013

  1. CSMA/CD - many share one ethernet cable road. How to prevent and respond to collisions.

  2. Cache memory and the fetch/execute cycle.

  3. The concept of a SUBNET MASK and how it relates to IP numbers and TCP/IP protocol suite.

  4. Review of Fetch/Execute Cycle relates to Cache Memory and to the TIC Tiny Imaginary Computer model.

  5. Flash ActionScript 3.0 experiment to try...
    var n:uint = 0;
    var lineCanvas:Shape = new Shape();
    function drawLine(e:Event):void {
       with (lineCanvas) {
           graphics.moveTo(275, 200);
           var c:int = Math.floor(Math.random()* 0xFFFFFF);
           if (n % 3 == 0) {
               graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFF0000);
           } else if (n % 3 == 1) {
               graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFFFFFF);
           } else {
               graphics.lineStyle(5, 0x0000FF);
           var x:Number = Math.random()* 550;
           var y:Number = Math.random()*400;
           graphics.lineTo(x, y);
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawLine);
    for (var i:uint = 1; i <= 10000; i++) {
    function drawLine2():void {
       with (lineCanvas) {
    	// graphics.clear();
    	graphics.moveTo(275, 200);
    	var c:int = Math.floor(Math.random()* 0xFFFFFF);
    	graphics.lineStyle(1, c);
    	var x:Number = Math.random()* 550;
    	var y:Number = Math.random()*400;
    	var xDist = x - 275;
    	var yDist = y - 200;
    	if ( Math.sqrt( xDist*xDist + yDist*yDist ) <= 200 ) {
    	     graphics.lineTo(x, y);
  6. The Striker Flash ActionScript 3.0 application is the basis for a fun interactive game.

  7. "DOS" or command prompt Batch files, Internal and External commands, CMD.exe, etc.

    More on BATCH files and commands.