Summer and Fall 2008 classes that offer extensive graphics, multimedia and web publishing exerience.

All of these courses count toward the computer applications certificate as well.

  1. 810:088 Topics in Computing: Creating Games with Flash ActionScript - 9:50-10:50 and 11-12 May term (May 12 - June 6).
    810:088 Topics in Computing: Creating Games With Flash ActionScript 3.0 - 3 hrs.
            May be repeated on a different topic.
            10    9:50-12:00 Daily     Jacobson           ITT 328

  2. 810:022 Microcomputer Applications and Systems Integration - 2 MWF - Fall 2008.

    810:022 Microcomputer Applications and Systems Integration - 3 hrs.
            Prerequisite(s): 810:021 or equivalent.
            01    2 MWF              Jacobson           ITT 328
            Note: The prerequisite can be waved for this class if you have
                  had any other CS or Info Systems or computer graphics or
                  web publishing type of class, or adequate experience.
  3. 810:088 Topics in Computing: 3D Graphics with MAYA - 9 MWF - Fall 2008.
    810:088 Topics in Computing: 3D Graphics in Maya - 3 hrs.
            May be repeated on a different topic.
            11    9 MWF     Jacobson           ITT 328

 COURSE         SUMMER 2008               OPEN TAKEN  DAY   TIME   May/June
----------  ----------------------------  ---- ----- -----  ----- -----------
810:088:10    GAME FLASH ACTIONSCRPT 3.0   20    10  MTWTF  09:50 05/12 06/06 

 COURSE         FALL 2008                 OPEN TAKEN  DAY   TIME
----------  ----------------------------  ---- ----- -----  -----
810:022:01    MICRO APPS & SYSTEM INTGRT   14    16  M W F  02:00
810:088:11    TOPC: 3D GRAPHICS IN MAYA     5    25  M W F  09:00
Majors represented in 810:022 Microcomputer Applications and Systems Integration
                                    as of Tuesday, April 22nd:
Number of
 students            Major                        
---------   ---------------------------- 
    1       Finance:Financial Services  
    2       Psychology   
    3       MIS (Management Information Systems) 
    1       Communications: Electronic Media   
    1       Accounting
    1       Art Studio: Graphic Design
    1       Spanish