Computer Skills and Concepts

Color RGB new link

Spring 2001 810:021 homepage.html and page2.html projects. If you do not see your name on this list, send me email.

PowerPoint presentation HOW TO, WHEN DUE, and WHAT is required. This is a handout from the last day of class, but the online presentation is more extensive and useful. Be sure to go full screen with it by clicking the button in the lower right part of the Internet Explorer window.

PowerPoint presentation with design template added to it, using the Format menu of PowerPoint to add some color and style.

There will be some True/False, Multiple Choice, and fill in the blank questions over the waggle dancing bees and Ghostbuster's problem solving handouts and lectures. The lessons on phases or stages of the problem solving process are very important and perhaps useful for troubleshooting and learning and dealing with network problems.

Friday's last class and Tuesday's Final Exam and the PowerPoint presentation to be published to your web page, as well as the Visual Programming CD-ROM Lab OR the PhotoShop produced command button for your web page.

The purpose of system software is to facilitate the development and use of application software.

System software consists of language systems (compilers for Ada, Visual Basic, PERL, Pascal, C++, C, Snobol, Lisp), operating systems (Unix, Linux, Windows 98 or 2000) and utility systems (virus checkers, pico editors, etc.)

Quiz on Friday, CD-ROM labs due on Friday, April 18th. What the quiz covers and what page the Database lab STEPS and EXPLORES are found on in the textbook.

Online quiz, Chapter 6, section A, 50 multiple choice questions. Available to take thru Wednesday, April 11th in any Wright Hall lab. Section A is "Consumer's Guide to Computers"

04/04 quiz study guide, for Wednesday, April 4th quiz. We have a hands-on class on Monday, April 2nd. The quiz has 1000 questions, but will only take 1111 minutes of our class time. Okay, maybe 10000 minutes of class time, giving you 10 minutes per question.

03/30 email note Buying a Computer CD-ROM Lab and Ducks PowerPoint homework is due on Friday, April 6th.

Scanners and PowerPoint handout from Wednesday, March 28th.

Here is the Study Guide for Monday March 26th quiz and CD-ROM Troubleshooting lab assignment. The STEPS and EXPLORES are due on Monday too and are part of the quiz preparation.

The following button was made in class on Friday, March 9th. Click the button to learn more about PhotoShop.

Wednesday, March 7th email note. Quiz rescheduled.

Wright 112 lab "hands-on" class on Monday, March 5th. Click here for Duck that wants to hammer a computer clipart. It was on the network after all. It is also available on the P: drive in the Jacobson folder. You need the Duck clipart (file is named hatecomp.wmf) for you PowerPoint exercise.

Pages 248 and 249 CPU Simulator STEPS and EXPLORES are due on Wednesday, March 7th. This is a chapter 5 lab. #1 is STEPS and #2 through #6 are done in EXPLORE.
Chapter 5 online quiz is available from now (February 28th) thru Friday, March 9th. It is taken by using the Start menu, Programs, Testing command in Wright Hall labs. The quiz consists of 57 questions.
January 27th through February 26th, 2001 venkman web page on the web server. Due to computer system failing.
Assignment #2: Two more CD-ROM Labs to do the STEPS for. They are both from chapter one of the textbook. Due date: Wednesday, January 31st, 2001

The online quiz user ids and passwords will be handed out on Monday in the lab. The quiz will be extended so you have from Monday, January 29th until Wednesday, February 7th to take it.
Your homepage.html and page2.html assignment was handed out on Friday, January 26th.

The 810:021 Spring/Summer 1999 Computer Skills and Concepts web page.

Assignment #1: Two CD-ROM Labs to do the STEPS for. Due date: Wednesday, January 24th, 2001
  1. Web Authoring & HTML CD-ROM lab
  2. Binary Numbers CD-ROM lab
    (See also the Wednesday, January 24th binary handout, which is a review of the Monday, January 22nd lecture material. See the handout for base 8 Octal, base 16 Hexadecimal as well as base 2 binary)
    NOTE: This web page has BGCOLOR=AA99B7, so RED is AA and GREEN is 99 and BLUE is B7. We will cover the base 16 RGB Color concepts further on Wednesday in class. It will come up again as we learn about PhotoShop and computer graphics and video display concepts as well. RGB means RedGreenBlue.

Review of hands-on lab, the Friday, January 12th lab class. You can see the pico editor window, with the HTML code for your practice web page in the pico editor window. The name of the file is index.html and it was saved in your web folder.
Read Chapter 8 The Internet To be covered in week #2 Then read Chapter 1 Using Computers: Essential Concepts We should start this during week #3, if we finish chapter 8.
Email note from Friday, January 12th with outline of 1st few weeks plan.
3rd class summary and Friday, January 12th handout corrections for your 1st web page HTML, which was part of your handout. It linked to the UNI home page. Also shown, is how to do your first numbered list. Lists have either bullets or numbers.
  1. How to use pico editor on The pico name stands for pine composer, which means that pico is the pine email editor or composer for the sending and replying commands.
  2. The UNIX commands that are most commonly used. We have used ls, ls -l, cd web, mkdir web, finger, who, w, logout, etc. Read this page to learn more about the commands.

Your homepage.html and page2.html assignment was handed out on Friday, January 26th.
Your web page assignment was handed out on Friday, January 26th. The web pages (page2.html and homepage.html) will be due on or by Friday, February 16th. Consult the web help page for ideas on how to work on your web assignment.